PTO meeting tonight is canceled and will be scheduled at a later date.
The Big Kahuna Fundraiser Kickoff was this past week! Help our students out! We encourage you to buy some goodies from our online store. Students should have brought packets home so they can sell items. Cash sales will go until September 20th. Online sales will go on until September 30th. Students will turn in all the money at one time to the front office by September 20th. Make sure to turn in your tickets each day to collect the collectables. Here is a link to shop and buy if you would like!
September Lunch Menu
Ms. Wetzel's class is already working on public speaking skill on stage! Learning life skills!
Big Kahuna fundraiser is going on NOW! Help our elementary students out! Here is the link to our store!
Calling all Families, Parents, Students and Staff! Take a look at this months edition of the Mustang Messenger! All the things in one place! It's a Better VIEW as a Mustang!
Friday was an amazing day! High school cheerleaders and football players came down to open car doors and greet our elementary students. They also interacted with them throughout the building. We always encourage our students to wear their mustang gear on game days to support the Mustangs! It was a great day and our community is winning! It is always about loving and supporting each other! It is a Better View as a Mustang!
5th grade is working on an engineering design challenge while building paper airplanes! We are learning about following the steps in the engineering design process.
Go Mustangs!
Big Kahuna fundraiser is underway! Be looking for a fundraiser packet to come home with your child in the next day or two. Helps us raise funds to continue with student incentives like our reading cart, field day shirts, attendance awards, mustang awards, etc!
It's a better VIEW as a Mustang!
Early Childhood classes got to meet all of the Principals last week. Each year the Principals sit down and share stories and introduce themselves to the Pre-Kindergarten classes. So much fun!
Grandparents Day Lunch is right around the corner! Use the QR code to prepay for your meal! Looking forward to seeing all of you!
City View Elementary is hosting a Community Blood Drive Friday September 6th! Scan the QR code to schedule your appointment. The Blood Drive will be held from 1:00-5:00 PM.
Community Helpers! Our Pre-Kindergarten students got to meet our custodians today! Our custodians do an amazing job keeping our school so nice and clean!
Look at this Mighty Mustang! She got caught doing the RIGHT thing! Proud of you!
Grandparents, mark your calendars to come eat lunch with us!
Mustang Award Winners ! These young men went above and beyond to be responsible and kind. It's a Better VIEW as a Mustang!
City View Elementary will be hosting a community blood drive Friday September 6th from 1-5pm.
September Edition of the Mustang Messenger! In the newsletter, you will find important information for the upcoming month of September! We have added information and will continue to add for the month of September if things change! Please take the time to read!
We appreciate yoU!
There is no school for staff and students Monday September 2nd!
We love getting to celebrate our awesome Mustang Award winners. These students were caught by staff for being kind to others and being leaders in the classroom!
![5th grade](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/city_view_isd%2C_tx_ar/live_feed_image/image/9689115/large_3lrb-h6azoMUjwibPVgIUg.png)
![4th Grade](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/city_view_isd%2C_tx_ar/live_feed_image/image/9689116/large_Im3rJCe0rWhuyJr599g_Lw.png)