Mrs. Hutson's class is getting some learning in down in the science lab!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Mrs. Graves is spending time reading to a 2nd grade class. Building the love of literacy! #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Mrs. Thomas our assistant principal spoke with 2nd-5th grade on student expectations,dress code, student conduct. Best is the Standard! #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Don't forget to let us know if you will be attending Grandparents' Day lunch. TOMORROW IS THE DEADLINE TO RSVP. Grandparents or Grandfriends are invited to eat lunch with their grandchild on Friday, September 8th. We will be serving pulled pork for adults and pizza for kids. Meals for adults are $4.75 and can be purchased with a card at the door or in advance by using the QR code below. NO CASH PURCHASES. Lunch times: PK/ECSE/HS- 10:50 Kindergarten- 11:30 1st- 11:05 2nd- 11:45 3rd-12:40 4th - 12:05 5th - 12:20
over 1 year ago, Ashley Thomas
GP Lunch
These two young men have gone out of their way to help other students! Way to go men! Mustang Award Winners! #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
We wanted to recognize Mrs. Pearson. She made a career move and has decided to join the Special Education department! She is excited and we are too! #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Come join our PTO for a meeting this Wednesday at 6:30pm!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Here is the cafeteria menu for breakfast and lunch!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Our elementary SRO is building relationships with our kids!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Mrs.Seigler's music class was working hard today on this great first day!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
City View Elementary Assistant Principal Mrs. Thomas is starting the year off right by reading a book to 2nd graders! #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Mrs. Baley's 5th grade class starting their day off right with the Mustang Creed! "We are smart and kind"! #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Mustang Award winner on the first day of school! This guy went out of his way to make someone feel welcomed at city view. Invited a classmate to eat with him!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Here is a map for arrival and dismissal! Arrival: yellow lane is the drive through lane parents can drop off their students in the morning and pick student up in the afternoon. The red mark is the drop off for HS, K, 1st grade. Green mark is drop off for Pre-K, 2nd,3rd. Black mark is drop off for 4th and 5th. Dismissal: K, 1st, 3rd, 4th will dismiss at the red mark. 2nd,PK,HS will be at the green mark. 5th will be at the black mark. Parents may also park on the lots marked in blue for dismissal. Parents may walk over and get their child. I hope this helps! Please do not park in the yellow drive lane at any time. This creates back flow in traffic. See you tomorrow! Tardy bell rings at 7:50am.
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Attention elementary parents! Here is a map for the bus routes! Route 1 is pink. Route 2 blue. Route 3 is green. Kids will be picked up and dropped off at intersections. Route 1 will take off at 6:45am each morning. Bus 2 will take off at 6:50 each morning . Bus 3 will take off at 7:05 each morning. Each route will leave for dismissal at 3:10 for K-2 grades. 3-5 bus routes will leave at 3:25. These are approximate times. The first few days buses may be running behind time wise. Please be patient as we try to get kids home safely.
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Meet the Teacher is tonight! Gym doors at the elementary will open at 3:45. Front doors will not open until 4pm. Nurses will be available at both campuses tonight. See you tonight!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
City View Elementary Meet the Teacher is this Tuesday (8/15/23)! We will begin with an introduction of our teachers in the Big Gym (Donna Douglas Court) at 3:45pm. Entry will be at the gym doors at 3:45. Once the meeting is done families may enter the front doors of the school! Can't wait to see you all!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
City View Elementary Meet the Teacher is this Tuesday (8/15/23)! We will begin with an introduction of our teachers in the Big Gym (Donna Douglas Court) at 3:45pm. Entry will be at the gym doors at 3:45pm. Once the meeting is done families may enter the front doors of the school! Can't wait to see you all!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
We have had an awesome week preparing for our mustangs to come back to school! Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring lunch for our staff and to our high school cheer leaders who welcomed back our teachers to campus. #together
over 1 year ago, Charlie Stone
Attention Mustang Families, we want to see YOU! The Staff of City View Elementary will be coming through the neighborhoods of City View ISD on Wednesday morning from 9:30 - 10:30 to say hello and share our excitement about a new school year.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Anderson